
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Ginger Crinkles

When I’m in a used book store looking at cookbooks, I flip through the books to see which pages are most spattered and I read the handwritten notes in the margins.  I figure the spattered and amended recipes are probably the best ones; those most frequently used by the cookbook’s original owner.  That’s certainly true of my cookbooks and recipe files, so if you at some time inherit them, you’ll know exactly what I liked best.

This recipe is a case in point.  It’s another one given to me years ago by my friend Anna Genoe.  I’ve baked it hundreds of times since.  So often, in fact, that I pretty nearly know it heartwhich is probably a good thing since my original copy of the recipe is scarcely legible any more.  It’s also probably a good thing that I’m writing this.  At least I’ll have a back up copy to use when the paper copy totally disintegrates.

Ginger Crinkles are an old fashioned, ginger snap type cookie.  They have good flavour and, because they’re made with oil instead of butter, they’re quite economical to bake.  The cookies have a little chew to them the first day you make them, then they crisp up and become perfect for dipping in a cup of tea.

To make Ginger Crinkles, you’ll need:

  • 2/3 cup oil  (Anna told me to always use Mazola in this recipe, and I always have, but I imagine that canola or some other neutrally flavoured oil would probably work just as well.)
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup mild molasses (Anna used Domolco in the red and yellow container.  I’ve used various brands over the years.)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • Sugar for rolling the cookies in before baking them (not pictured)

Mix the oil and sugar together.  Beat the egg and mix it into the oil and sugar mixture, together with the molasses.

Sift the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and ginger together.

Add the dry mixture to the molasses mixture.  Stir until the ingredients are well combined to make a stiff dough.

Measure about 1/3 cup of sugar into a small bowl.  Scoop teaspoonfuls of the dough, roll them into balls and then roll the balls in sugar to coat them.

Place the cookies on ungreased cookie sheets, 2 to 3 inches apart.  (I line my pans with parchment paper for easier cleanup but if you don’t want to do that they’ll be just fine without it.)

Bake the cookies in a 350ºF oven for 10 to 15 minutes.  (I’d start checking them for done-ness at 10.) The cookies will flatten and crinkle as they bake.

Transfer the baked cookies to a piece of brown paper to cool.  When they’re completely cooled, store them in an airtight container.
This post is linked to Gallery of Favorites, hosted by Premeditated Leftovers and The 21st Century Housewife, to Makin' You Crave Monday hosted by Mrs Happy Homemaker, to Craft-o-Maniac Monday Link Party hosted by Craft-o-Maniac and to Recipe Party @ The Sweet Spot.

Gallery of Favorites

The Sweet Spot


  1. Love the look of your ginger crinkles :-)

    1. Thank you. :) I am the newest follower of your blog. Love the idea of Cookbook Sunday.

  2. My husband's family has lived in California for many generations and they call a molasses cookie very similar to this one Earthquake cookies. :) My husband's great grandmother's recipe calls for twice as much molasses as your and never mentioned mild and boy was I in for a surprise when I opened that jar! Wow, I never knew that something that tasted so good, could smell so bad. :)

    Your crinkles look so lovely - picture perfect!

    1. Earthquake cookies: What a perfect name! Love the molasses story. Thanks for the grins. :)

  3. These cookies sound so good, I'll have to try them!

    1. Thanks Anita. They're a family favourite at our house. I hope you enjoy them too. :)

  4. Yum, I love ginger! I would love for you to come by and link up to my Recipe Party at The Sweet Spot!

  5. Thanks for the invitation. I'll do that! :)

    Great recipes on The Sweet Spot. I'm looking forward to following both of your blogs.

  6. Your cookies sound delicious, and I love how they look. I always think old recipes are the best ones, and I totally agree with you about the spattered pages in cookbooks!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to visit my link, and for hosting the blog hop. It's a wonderful platform for exchanging ideas and recipes.

  7. These look delicious! I loooove ginger cookies :):)

  8. This is one I copied and saved. They look good enough to eat!! :-) Molasses and Ginger and of course cinnamon are all good for you!

    1. Isn't it great when something you like is good for you too? I hope you enjoy the cookies. :)
