
Thursday 3 November 2011

A Recipe From Grandma

I was going to bake Snickerdoodles this week but when I got out the mixing bowls my husband asked “Can we have Special K cookies instead?”  I haven’t made them in a long while so I said yes.

Special K cookies come to me from my Grandma Routley.  They’re a family favourite.  My cousins love them too.  One bite and we are transported back to Grandma’s kitchen, and to all the happy memories that come with it.

I think the recipe originated in the 50’s, probably either published on a cereal box or in a women’s magazine.  There was a fascination with recipes that incorporated convenience foods back then; Campbell’s soup casseroles, green beans with canned friend onions, that sort of thing.  Regardless of where Special K cookies originated, we continue to love them.  They have a nice light texture, with a pleasant contrasting crunch from the cereal. 

I published this recipe on Facebook last December so while the cookies were in the oven I looked to see if I still had the photos on file.  Since I do, I’ve decided to share the recipe again here in my blog.

To make the cookies, you’ll need:

2 c. sifted all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 c. butter (Grandma actually used Parkay margarine I think.  I like regular, salted butter best for this recipe.)
1-1/3 c. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs, beaten
6 c. Special K cereal

Measure the flour, baking soda and salt into a bowl and stir them together with either a whisk or a fork.

Cream the butter and sugar together and then mix in the vanilla and egg.  Beat until well combined.

Stir the dry ingredients into the butter mixture and mix well, then add 2 c. Special K and mix it as gently as possible through the dough.

Drop teaspoonfuls of dough into the remaining cereal, rolling to coat.  Place the coated dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet, spacing the cookies about 2 inches apart.

Bake the cookies at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes, until lightly browned.  

Transfer the cookies from the cookie sheet to a sheet of brown paper (I use a cut up grocery bag) to cool.  Store the cooled cookies in an airtight container.

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